Family Programs

Family Resource Network

The Family Resource Network, funded through the Ministry of Child and Family Service – Child Care Delivery and Preventative Family Services Division, ensures consistent, responsive, flexible, and evidence-based or evidence-informed programs and services that are accessible and delivered to children and youth 0-18, and their families. Programs and services include a continuum of universal, targeted, and intensive service delivery and align with three core service delivery domains:

  • Child development and well-being
  • Caregiver capacity building
  • Social connections and

Along with our community partners, BGC Wetaskiwin supports Network Area 6 including the City of Wetaskiwin, County of Wetaskiwin, Town of Ponoka, and County of Ponoka.

Hub Referral and Coordination Services

The Family Resource Network Hub is located at BGC Wetaskiwin’s downtown location: 5109-51 Street, Wetaskiwin as well as appointments available in Ponoka, Rimbey, Millet, and surrounding areas. 

The Hub receives and responds to referrals to ensure seamless access to prevention and early intervention services for participants. They coordinate and collaborate with our community partners to ensure that individuals and families receive appropriate referrals, relevant information, and that families are supported in accessing and registering in programs both within the Family Resource Network and in the community. Hub services continuously remains aware of and respond to the needs in our communities.

Enrichment Program

The Enrichment Program is a free, personalized, solution-focused counselling program that supports families with children ages 7-18 and youth directly to build skills, caregiver capacity, protective factors, develop strong support networks, and reduce risks to improve personal and family functioning as well as foster a safe, nurturing environment for children. Enrichment Program Counsellors ensure access to the program by facilitating in individual homes and community spaces, as well as addressing and reducing any barriers to participation within the Family Resource Network, including Wetaskiwin, Ponoka, Rimbey, Millet, and surrounding areas.


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Family Resource Network Poster

Family Development Program

The Family Development Program provides resources, information, and knowledge to support the development of skills and practices that lead to the attainment of individual goals that preserves, restores, and/or enhances family functioning. Interventions are strength-based, support natural connections, culturally responsive, and individualized for each participant. Parents, caregivers, and youth are referred by their local Child and Family Services office.

Services include:

  • Family Development Work
  • Youth Development Work
  • Supervised Visitations
  • Transportation

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Director of Family Programs
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