BGC Wetaskiwin, founded in 1988, is a leading provider of programs to children, youth and their families.
Our organization is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and operated by a professional staff team comprised of an Executive Director, Program Directors, program delivery staff, volunteers and practicum students.
Over 1200 children, youth and families access our programs each year in 3 service locations, located in the City of Wetaskiwin. In addition, our Family Resource Network Programs support families in the City of Wetaskiwin, Town of Ponoka and surrounding communities.
Our continuum of services from prevention to crisis intervention support participant’s healthy physical, educational and social development. Dedicated, trained, and certified staff take an individualized and strengths-based approach with every child. The Agency creates safe, supportive environments where children and youth can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships and develop confidence and skills for life. To learn more, visit www.wetaskiwinyouth.ca
BGC Wetaskiwin is a member of BGC Canada, a national movement of clubs in 700 community locations across Canada, currently providing healthy development opportunities to more than 200,000 children, from pre-school to youth adulthood annually. For over 100 years, Clubs across Canada have been helping young Canadians discover, develop and achieve their potential. To learn more, visit www.bgccan.com.
Our History
BGC Wetaskiwin registered as a Society with the Province of Alberta. Located upstairs at 5101 – 50 Ave, joining Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Wetaskiwin Youth Centre was formed joining Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Boys and Girls Club, sharing one govering board.
The Wetaskiwin Youth Centre purchased the building at 5109 – 51 St and relocated there.
Inception of the Family Support Program.
Inception of the Enrichment Program. Hosted the Provincial Conference in March.
Inception of the Supported Summer Day Camp Program.
In partnership with the Anti-Bullying Coalition, an Anti-Bullying Program was offered to the community of Wetaskiwin.
Inception of the Big Brothers Big Sisters In School Mentoring Program.
Inception of Millet Out of School Care Program.
Inception of the Wetaskiwin Early Learning and Child Care Centre located at 4013 – 48 St.
Inception of Licensed Out of Schol Care in Wetaskiwin. Dissolution of Big Brothers Big Sisters Society.
Inception of Stars Mentoring Program. Wetaskiwin Early Learning and Child Care Centre received Accreditation through the Accreditation of Early Learning and Care Services.
Robert B. Colborne donated the Child Care Centre/Family Support Program building to BGC Wetaskiwin. Re-named Robert B. Colborne Centre. Inception of Rogers Raising the Grade Program. Inception of Restorative Justice Program.
Inception of Norwood Out of School Care site in partnership with WRPS. Moved to CB Centre in 2017 and re-named Clubhouse Out of School Care.
Boys and Girls Club of Drayton Valley, operated by Wetaskiwin commenced operations with 4 Out of School Care programs.
Out of School Care programs in Drayton Valley received Accreditation. Child Care Centre outdoor space renovation completed.
Colborne family donated vacant land to the society.
Renovation of front entrance and lobby of downtown facility.
Inception of the Family Resource Network.
Inception of HUB for the communities of Wetaskiwin, Ponoka, Rimbey, and surrounding areas.